Unknown exception OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError

My site is failing to load, with various browsers reporting some sort of SSL error.

Looking at my logs in micro.blog, I see a whole lot of

Feed: Unknown exception OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError

errors. Rebuilding the site doesn’t seem to have helped.

Might be related to this from a bit ago?

Noticing similar issue for my site - Haven’t changed anything on my end. :confused: Hope to see resolved soon.

Sorry about that. We did resolve it yesterday, and I also rolled out an additional fix that I think will prevent this from happening in the future.


Hi @manton , hi all: I’m seeing the same error on my site, too. I’ve also checked things at the hoster, only saw that they couldn’t perform a speed test on my site. Is there something stuck in the backend, anything that I can do?

Looking forward to getting things settled again soon!

Hi again - back to say unfortunately that I’ve not been able to post for a few days now. Just wondering if the fix Manton reported has rolled out completely, or if there’s something else gumming up the works?