Site not loading: SSLError; timeout

My hosted site ( is currently not loading. Looking in ‘Accounts / Logging’ there are a couple of errors which read:

Feed: Unknown exception OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError


Feed: Timeout exception Net::OpenTimeout

I also noted that in ‘Accounts / Feeds’, the main feed is timing out:

I’ve double-checked the SSL certificate via my domain registrar, and everything looks good on that side.

Screenshot 2023-12-30 at 21.28.46

Any help much appreciated. I don’t think I’ve made any major breaking changes. I temporarily added and then removed Bluesky as a source, but I don’t see how that could have broken the site itself.

Thanks dude! Will keep an eye on it.

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Sorry about this. It’s all fixed now and your blog is loading for me.

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