Source Feed Error

I just noticed that my blog stopped pulling in posts from my external site via the RSS feed I’d set up for it as of a few days ago. It’s getting this error:

Feed: Processing post failed FrozenError, can't modify frozen String: ""

Here’s the RSS feed in question:

Reeder is getting all the posts from it just fine. Any ideas?

This is still an issue a few days later. My blog posts want to be set free! :sweat_smile: And I’m seeing some fun new errors as well. Not sure if they’re related.

Newsletter: Error running template, Error parsing JSON: parsing time ""2024-04-08 11:14:51 +0000"" as ""2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"": cannot parse " 11:14:51 +0000"" as "T"

Feed: Processing post failed, /home/manton/snippets/models/page.rb:76:inis_edited_minutes?', NoMethodError, undefined method to_i' for #<DateTime: 2024-04-16T11:43:58+00:00 ((2460417j,42238s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

Feed: Processing post failed FrozenError, can't modify frozen String: ""

That first one is that the time stamp in the feed is not using the right date format. Should be Z00:00 right after the stamp and not “ +0000”.

I’m getting a similar “frozen” error but mine looks like it’s trying to work from a staging server or something, given the directory…

Feed: Processing post failed, /home/manton/snippets/models/feed.rb:911:in `force_encoding’, FrozenError, can’t modify frozen String: “”

I think I’ve got these issues fixed now. Let me know if any errors still pop up. Thanks!

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