Request to add guidance for raising bugs / feedback / feature requests to Help Contents

Hi all,

I’m just getting started with and for the most part have found it very straightforward. I’m slowly migrating my old posts from Wordpress as a way to try out the different features, and i’ve been experimenting with a custom theme.

However, i’ve come across a couple of bugs and usability niggles. I’m happy to raise them as appropriate, but I think the getting started documentation could better signpost where to do this.

I appreciate the help email is very prominent at the top of this forum, and i’ve seen messaging that says “When in doubt, just post a question wherever is convenient for you!”. However, not having this information in the Help Contents or the FAQ meant it wasn’t immediately obvious.

I came across this where to file bugs post that lists several options. If this is still valid*, can this be included in the Help Contents or the FAQ? This should also presumably be list on the Welcome Help page.

*As an aside, with all the documentation being dated and locked forum posts, it’s not obvious whether any of it is out of date. Can someone please clarify the process for reporting any issues or updates to this? Found the note after posting about asking questions on the docs posts themselves

Thank you very much.

The short answer is-- this is a one man shop, there’s no strong process and likely won’t be. Email goes into a place managed by Manton and dealt with as he can. He reads the forums sometimes too, but stuff posted here is probably ideally for things that another user may be able to help you (the advantage of posting here is that other folks can help you besides Manton). Github issues are a theoretical option, but not very popular or more likely to be seen.

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Thank you, that’s helpful to know. I’ll stick with email and the forums then, with the understanding that the latter is better for community help. I’m particularly in favour of asking for help publicly if it helps someone else down the line.

I know it’s a small operation - and i’m fine with that - I was just more concerned with raising bugs / feedback in the most appropriate place without being disruptive. I don’t want to spam the forums or Manton’s inbox (and that’s not to say i’m not happy with, because I’m extremely happy with it)

I just felt as a new user, the etiquette for these things could be better signposted. I’m not advocating for a different approach if the current approach is working though… I just had a hard time figuring out what it was :sweat_smile:

Thanks again for the clarification.

Sure thing, and I didn’t mean to come across as flippant. I think I’m basically saying, “Don’t be anxious about it, it’s not a very sophisticated system, just feel free to ask wherever and whenever, but also, you may not get super prompt replies.”

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