Posts not publishing

I’ve been moving some old posts to a new blog, and for some reason they’re stuck in the state where I’m seeing a message reading: ‘The page you requested is still being published. It should be available soon.’

I found this thread in which @sod and @manton diagnosed a problem with a custom theme. I’m wondering if it’s something similar. I’m not seeing any errors in the log (see below), but I’m stumped as to what else it could be.

Any ideas much appreciated.

Did this problem go away on its own, or did you have to change anything? I’m seeing your latest blog posts, so I assume it was some kind of temporary issue. Sorry about that.

Thanks so much for coming back to me, and apologies for not being clearer: the problem isn’t with my main blog, but with a second blog also hosted on Examples of some of the posts stuck in this state are: here and here. There are a few more, but I assume they’ll all publish once whatever’s causing the post problem is resolved. Thanks again.

Ah, thanks for clarifying. I think is confused here. Do you have a custom theme you’re using for this blog? I recommend going into Plug-ins for this blog and installing the latest version of a theme to make sure everything is current.