ℹ️ Multiple blogs

Micro.blog Premium includes hosting for up to 5 blogs at no extra charge. Most people only need one blog, but you can create additional blogs with their own domain name for photo blogs, company or family web sites, and anything else you need to host on the web.

To create a new blog, click on Plans → New Blog. If your subscription is not using Micro.blog Premium, you’ll need to upgrade first.

Micro.blog Premium also includes a special type of web site: the single-page web site. This is just like a blog… except that it doesn’t contain blog posts! You can still use all of the tools available in Micro.blog such as custom themes, plug-ins, and multiple standalone web pages.

To create a single-page web site, click on Plans and look for the “create extra single-page web sites” link. There is not currently a limit on the number of single-page web sites you can create.

Need to redirect an old domain name to a new domain name? A single-page web site can also be a good way to do that. Just create a site at the old domain name and add a redirect for “/” to redirect to the new site. (If you need to redirect all pages on an old domain name, setting this up outside of Micro.blog may be a better option, such as with your DNS provider.)