Micro.blog Feature Requests

My idea for this is here: Micro.blog Feature Requests - #45 by toddgrotenhuis

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Because the list will start to get long, I’m thinking about only having Goodreads and Open Library at the top, then a “More…” popup button that has Amazon, Bookshop, StoryGraph, and Literal.

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Feature: OPML export of follows


Do you mean of people you follow or those that follow you? I don’t think the latter will ever happen as Micro.blog is unique in that it never shows who follows you. The former should be possible.

The people you follow (i.e. to follow them in another feed reader)

Unless this is already a feature, but I couldn’t find it in the help.

You’re right. I don’t see that in a recent export I did.

There’s an existing RSS and JSON feed of your timeline, but there is not, to my knowledge, an export that includes the feeds of each person you’re following separately.

It looks like this was partially implemented, at least for Bluesky. I now sometimes see “[contains quote post or other embedded content]”. I have not seen it say anything about missing media or polls, however?


  • existing Timeline rules apply for short / long posts, but add first photo if there are photos in the post
  • limit reply text shown if longer than a post that would be shown in full
  • for short posts with multiple photos show no more than 3

Screenshot attached, not in any way to ‘get at’ the person, but look at this loooong reply. I wish it had been one para plus link to read more.

I guess I’d like to see the Timeline showing only short items with links to see longer items. I unsubbed from one person who would regularly write one sentence then add 15 photos.

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Yep, this is no good. :slightly_smiling_face: The plan was to limit replies to 300 characters, but we’ve never enforced it. For longer replies, I think Micro.blog should offer to turn it into a full blog post, with a truncated link woven into the timeline.

+1 @Miraz and this has been debated in other threads, more recently this one. However, I hope this won’t go extreme in the other direction and limit replies to only 300 characters coz people might think it’s not worth replying if I have to make a separate blog post, thus reducing interactions.

Offering to turn it into a full blog post is good, but only if it carries some context. I’m not going to have random replies as posts on my blog. Miraz’s beef (I presume) is with the timeline view (incl. with multiple photos) and not with the actual length of the reply so rethinking the timeline UI may be in order and not creating another class of posts.

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After I’d written the above I realised that even a disclosure triangle could help with long replies and posts with loads of photos.

As I read through my Timeline I guess I like fairly short blocks. Sometimes folks are having long discussions about things that don’t interest me too much and to have to scroll a lot to get to the next item is the annoying thing.


Same. I don’t want to dictate what people post or how long they chose to respond. Everything can be designed with good UI even on the web. Phanpy does this so well that I went looking for an example and coincidentally found this first as I scrolled down:

Agreed with both, a link or disclosure triangle would be great. I’d actually like to see more of what Loura has done with LilliHub implemented on the official site. Her separation of posts/conversations at the top of the page is an excellent idea.

Heh. Yes, I don’t want to dictate that replies should be short or some arbitrary limit, but replies of several paras really throw out the Timeline.

It’s more like the Timeline is a viewport into blogs — it’s a quick glance, and if there’s too much to absorb in one glance then it’s time to stop and investigate.

Could it be possible to truncate on the timeline itself? So not turn it into a blog post with a separate link, but just add a button that shows the entire text right there?

I’m the one who started the thread @pratik mentioned above. I find the 300 limit very annoying, so would hate for it to be as harsh to replies as well. :confused:

Like, the reply you showed there must’ve had several thousand characters. Let’s not use that as a reason to enforce 300, please.

I don’t want to stop people replying as they see fit. What I want is to be able to scroll through a timeline that doesn’t show the entirety of such long replies by default. Ditto for posts with lots of photos. My later thought was to enable a disclosure triangle. That or a More Button would meet my wishes just fine.


Yes - and that I completely agree with. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry if that was unclear!

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That would be pretty sweet. I always feel a little guilty about long replies, and it sounds like this would guide folks toward good “put your stuff on your blog” behavior.

Please increase the length of posts visible on ActivityPub from its current limit of 300/600 characters to 1,500 characters.

Mastodon is the primary ActivityPub platform, and some Mastodon instances support much longer than 500 characters. It all works fine.

However, we don’t want to let posts get TOO long. 1,500 seems like a nice compromise.

Alternative (less desirable but still better than what we have now): Please increase the limit to 500 characters. As it stands now, consuming micro.blog through ActivityPub is inferior to consuming Mastodon, and that doesn’t seem right.