ℹ️ Comments with Disqus

We are working on a feature to allow showing a Micro.blog conversation directly on your own blog for anyone to see when browsing your site instead of needing to visit Micro.blog. Until that is ready, some microbloggers may want to use a third-party commenting system like Disqus to allow comments on blog posts.

Integrating Disqus with Micro.blog is possible by creating a custom theme and pasting in a little JavaScript snippet provided by Disqus. Here are the basic steps:

  • Register for a new account on Disqus.
  • When prompted for your blog host, choose the “Universal Code” option.
  • Copy the JavaScript from step 1 (“Place the following code where you’d like Disqus to load”). You’ll be pasting this into Micro.blog. The rest of the Disqus steps are optional.
  • Create a new custom theme on Micro.blog (or use your current custom theme if you already have one). Custom themes are managed under Posts → Design → Edit Custom Themes.
  • Search for the template “layouts/post/single.html” and click on it to edit it.
  • Paste the JavaScript you copied from Disqus near the end of the file, right before the closing {{ end }} line.
  • Save the template and make sure the custom theme is set for your blog.

Your blog posts should now load a new section from Disqus that allows commenting. Note that these comments are not copied back to any conversations on Micro.blog or in the timeline.