I was able to post before, but today I got this message “Your hosted blog has expired. Please upgrade to continue posting to your site. Thanks for supporting Micro.blog!”
I tried upgrading from micro.one to micro.blog (I thought blog hosting was included in micro.one?) but I’m still getting the error.
Edited to add: I guess my question is whether I needed to upgrade, and if there’s still something I need to do in order to post to my site?
Sorry, I’ve fixed this. There’s no need to upgrade, Micro.one does include hosting too. For some reason the expiration and renewals on some accounts get out of sync, I’m still trying to permanently fix this, but it should be good for you now.
I checked your account and I believe the message was correct because a payment could not be processed. I’ve temporarily extended your account so you can post, but check the Account → View Subscriptions page to make sure invoices are what you’d expect and payment is set up.
Sorry, you do have to pick a plan. It’s a two step process: add payment info, then select a plan. For Micro.one, that starts your subscription. For the standard Micro.blog subscription, that starts the trial.