Wordle and poetry in Markdown

Quick tip about formatting because I see this problem often: in Markdown, you separate multiple paragraphs with a blank line. When you just want a line break, you need to add 2 spaces at the end of each line. Otherwise it will wrap text such as poems or Wordle solutions together on a single line.

I’ve considered changing this behavior for Micro.blog, but I think any deviation from Markdown will create other problems, especially for full-length blog posts. The more exceptions we introduce, the more complicated it is to explain or understand when you hit edge cases.

Here’s a link to the official Markdown specification about how paragraphs and new lines are handled: Daring Fireball: Markdown Syntax Documentation


Do you have a tip for adding two spaces without getting the automatic period when typing on iOS? When testing this, the best I could come up with is to add 3 spaces and then reposition the cursor to delete the period.

If you type the 2 spaces very slowly it won’t trigger the automatic period. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Haha. Zen and the Art of Making Space


It seems three spaces work, but I’m not sure if that’s in iOS.



To turn off the “.” Shortcut on iOS, go to Settings → General → Keyboard and toggle the “.” Shortcut switch.

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I tend to use ‘three’ - belt and braces and all that … not sure what you mean about iOS?

Apologies. I was misreading @jean above re iOS … She wasn’t after line breaks at all, but a related full stop issue.

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TIL. That’s why my quotes don’t respect line breaks and now I can correct it :slight_smile: Thanks @manton

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