What are the components/code to host micro.blog on one's infrastructure?

I have read this but could not figure out where is the micro.blog code on github, any hint?

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The micro.blog service is not open source. You cannot run micro.blog on your own server.

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Understood, meanwhile Manton has replied to me on micro.blog and said the project at some point will be released as open-source code but only when it’s ready !

And for anyone wanting to transition to self-host, the process is to export the entire blog archive and then import it back into a Hugo static site project, so in some way, content portability and moving to selfhost is already a reality !

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A few folks have tried the workaround for setting up a local environment, for sure. For example, Mandaris Moore covered this in his series of posts detailing the creation of his blog’s theme.

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Wow. When this does happen, good Gods. Should open up an entire world of possibilities!

Thanks! It’s going to be interesting for sure. :slightly_smiling_face: I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the best structure for open-sourcing the core platform. Pretty excited and hope to have something to share later this year.

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