Webmentions don't show in Mentions

I was a bit surprised to find that my webmentions don’t show up in /mentions, but only in /webmentions/189636. Is this intended? Intuitively, it feels like a webmention should show up in the same place as my mentions on Bluesky, Mastodon, Micro.blog, etc.


I’d like this too!


Exactly. I am writing up a blog post on all the ways the Webmentions on micro.blog DO NOT WORK.

To clarify how this works, webmentions can be many things: replies, links, likes, etc. The Mentions page in Micro.blog is for replies to you or @-mentions that mention you. We have that other webmentions page for types of webmentions that don’t fit cleanly into Micro.blog’s idea of a reply, so they aren’t lost.

If you are getting replies that aren’t showing up in Mentions that should be, definitely let us know and send us a link for it, because that sounds like a bug.

For the other types of webmentions, I don’t know what to do about them yet. I consider it a feature that Mentions in Micro.blog is actual replies, not a “Notifications” page like other social networks that is cluttered with all sorts of noise. Maybe we can do more to surface these webmentions, though.

Thanks for explaining, this does make sense! I’m imagining that if someone were to webmention me on their blog just using my homepage zoyander.cc, it’d be nice to see that in my notifications, just as I would if it was an @-mention. I’m not sure I’ll ever be in the situation where my webmentions are so numerous that they become a distraction, but I totally see the principle of focusing on meaningful interactions rather than likes etc.

I might recommend using a feed reader app and the webmention feed

ohhhh that makes a lot of sense! thanks so much, I’ll play around with that a bit. I’m reconfiguring my feed reader situation anyhow, so this is quite opportune.