Understanding rich text on Mastodon

I’ve been down the rabbit hole in trying to understand how rich text works on Mastodon. Depending on the instance, rich text works on Mastodon. For example, on writing.exchange, where I have an account, Matt, the instance admin says:

So as long as you create the rich-text post elsewhere, Mastodon will render it but you can’t yet create/post it on Mastodon. This is fine since I first post to Micro.blog anyway which supports creating rich text and it looks perfect on the Micro.blog timeline but on Mastodon, I’ve mixed results.

If I view my Fediverse-compatible Micro.blog handle, it looks good:

But since you can’t log in to Mastodon app (e.g., Ivory) with your Micro.blog account, I crosspost to another Mastodon account using Micro.blog’s native crossposting feature (not Echofeed). However, then it doesn’t look as good.

Question, is whether Micro.blog’s crossposting feature is also stripping off rich text formatting before crossposting? Can it not?

FWIW, Ivory has plans on supporting rich text but not anytime soon coz it depends on Mastodon’s API (not ActivityPub)