I have fallen foul of the Apple custom domain email lock: ”This email is already in use with another Apple ID” hence I can’t recieve the login authirsation email from mb.
Is there a way around this? I am still logged in to the desktop app on my Mini, but can’t get access via the web or iOS app.
Or would it be quicker to move the email hosting to someone like Migadu to regain that address - which actually isn’t a bad idea… if it works!
I’m not familiar with that Apple ID error message. Can you sign in with the email address for your Micro.blog account directly instead of using Sign in with Apple?
Sorry, I explaned it badly - the error message stems from the Apple custom email side of things. It’s when a once used custom email address has been blocked from re-use by the Apple system (I’m still unclear why… but sometimes happens when moving custom emails from one Apple iD to another). However, that email address is the one I use to sign in to Micro.blog. As Apple have blocked david@naturalcapital.estate, it would just bounce on your system and Micro.blog will give up sending the sign in emails. I can add any other first part of the email for that email domain, ie davidhall@… just not re-use david@… hence I can’t get access to Micro.blog
Ah, thanks for clarifying. If you want to email help@micro.blog with a quick summary, we can update your account to use a different email address. That might be easiest. (Unless I’m still not understanding!)