Unable to Import Recommendations OPML

I’m trying to import an OPML file into my Recommendations blogroll, that I exported from Inoreader, but I’m running into a problem. The file appears to upload, I see that a publishing action is taking place, but no recommendations are loaded. The error log shows the following:

Blogroll: Skipping imported blog, missing name or URL.

I’ve checked, and all entries in the OPML file have the following format, with correct info in each attribute:

<outline text="..." title="..." type="rss" xmlUrl="..." htmlUrl="..."/>

I’m not really sure what else to check for that might get the import working?

As is the way - as soon as I posted about it, I figured out the problem.

Inoreader wraps all of the exported subscriptions in an extra <outline> element. So the format from their export is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<opml version="1.0">
    <title />
    <outline text="Recommendations" title="Recommendations">
      <outline text="..." title="..." type="rss" xmlUrl="..." htmlUrl="..."/>
      <outline text="..." title="..." type="rss" xmlUrl="..." htmlUrl="..."/>
      <outline text="..." title="..." type="rss" xmlUrl="..." htmlUrl="..."/>

That wrapping <outline text="Recommendations" title="Recommendations"></outline> needs to be removed before the Micro.blog import will work.

All sorted at my end now, but hopefully this saves someone else some head-scratching :slight_smile:

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Thanks for posting that. I’ll fix this so that Micro.blog handles the extra <outline>.

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I had the same issue with an export from Readwise Reader. Thanks for posting your solution!