Alls; not extremely sure where this belongs, but: Just discovered the ability to follow Tumblr users on and see their posts in my timeline - awesome. I also seem to be able to reply to these, but somehow replies don’t apparently make it to Tumblr. Is that a known issue? Temporary problem? Does it work at all?
Thanks bunches,
Following Tumblr is just using the ability to follow RSS. There is no two way comms with Tumblr like that.
I’ve been thinking again about disabling replies when it can’t send the reply to the post author, which is the case for Tumblr. Right now the replies are on only and unlikely to be seen by the Tumblr user unless they also have a account.
Yeah, I strongly suspect some confusion here is Tumblr’s never released ActivityPub support. I think that’s the only bridge to reply to things outside of MB right now. Or are there AT replies, too?
Would be okay, not that much of a problem though. Friendica handles this in a similar way but i don’t know what capabilities the Tumblr API offers. Thanks for the explanations.
There are replies to AT Proto / Bluesky too. But you’re right, Tumblr said they were working on ActivityPub and it never materialized. I expect we won’t see it unless Tumblr is eventually rebuilt on top of WordPress.