unsure whether to even ask this, knowing doesn’t support hash tags at all: I’m having a post like this …
… which gets crossposted to Tumblr like this …
… meaning the hash tags I added to the post appear but they seem “just text” not actual hash tags. It looks okay’ish but I see other crossposters rendering hashtags to actual Tumblr hashtags for this kind of posts. Is that … an expected behaviour? Anything I can do about that? Or is this just the way it will stay?
Tumblr native hashtags would require that recognize those as data elements and send them separately. The API requires the use of the Tags property, which is separate from content. is just sending the content. It’s possible that your post categories are sent as tags to Tumblr-- I’m not sure-- but I’m confident that hashtags from within the content of your post will not be separately pulled out by and sent to the API as tags right now.
Ah ok. Expected something like that in a way. Thanks for confirming. (Categories don’t seem to be sent over, at least they don’t appear on the Tumblr end of things.)