Tried to switch themes and now 404

I tried to experiment with the new Bayou theme, and it looked like it was kind of working, now I switched back to my sumo theme and I get nothing more than a “Not Found”. I’ve tried rebuilding the whole blog multiple times.

Any help??

I’ve tried rebuilding the whole blog multiple times. Here is what I get in the logs:

|Feed: Not found —|2025-02-11 11:24:29|
| --- | --- |
|Feed: Downloading feed —|2025-02-11 11:24:29|
|Publish: Done 🎉 — bnmnetp|2025-02-11 11:24:29|
|Publish: Syncing files — bnmnetp|2025-02-11 11:24:28|
|Error: Error building site: "content/2018/03/10/": failed to unmarshal YAML: yaml: line 16: found character that cannot start any token|2025-02-11 11:24:28|
|Publish: Running Hugo 0.91 — bnmnetp|2025-02-11 11:24:28|
|Newsletter: Error running template, Error parsing template: template: template:58: function "partial" not defined|

Note the content is not new its from way back in 2018. I tried to delete another post back from 2016, so I guess it got a little further. Deleting this post too would not make me happy as it has a lot of sentimental value.

It just doesn’t seem like changing the theme should take down your entire blog!

Does it work if you switch back to Bayou?

Also, if you go to plugins, does it have an option to update the sumo plugin/theme?

I agree it shouldn’t take down your blog! I’ve seen this before and not entirely sure why it happens… There is clearly some error and blindly replaces your blog with the new empty blog. This really shouldn’t happen.

It looks like the blog is working now?

Yes, working again now. But I had to delete three old posts in order to get past the build error.

Good to know, thanks. One issue we’ve seen before especially in imported blog posts is when some syntax in the post tricks Hugo into thinking it’s front matter for the post. This will trip up the build process.

I can understand that, but these were imported a long time ago, and the blog has been rebuilt many times successfully since then. So that makes it even more puzzling. I’m no stranger to puzzling events in an online service ( I’m happy to help if there is any way to get to the bottom of this.

That is strange then. Do you happen to have the full text of the posts you deleted that ended up fixing the issue? If it’s convenient, send them to and we can try to reproduce the issue.

I have the feed.json that is archived on github. I can copy the entries out of there. The lines that caused the error were all a markdown image reference like ![][image-1].

Where the references to image-1 on the same page?

Was it supposed to be [](image-1)?

The references were defined in the same post, and had built successfully many times in the past.

This appears to have been because of the tab character in the Markdown reference. I’m not sure why this would matter or if something changed recently. But removing the tab in my testing fixed it.

Thanks Manton, I fixed on by just putting in the image tag as in mars edit. I fixed the other by removing the tab characters. I guess the hugo implementation of markdown must treat tabs differently. I moved to Sumo and Hugo 0.91 a while ago I had been using a custom blog with the older Hugo 0.54 for a long time, maybe I didn’t do a complete rebuild when I switched to Sumo. Anyway Bayou looks great and everything is building.
