I am not able to access my notes on iOS in Strata. The notes appear fine on the web and I have a copy of my Secret Key from when they were first set up.
My phone was recently upgraded and when I re-downloaded Strata a different Secret Key is in place. I cannot get this key in the Strata deleted to add my saved Key. Deleting the Secret key from the iOS app shows the notes locked, with the padlock for less than a second and then they are back to gibberish and the same Secret Key is set.
I have deleted and re downloaded the app logged out and back in several times but cannot get the strata app to accept my saved Secret Key.
As a temporary work-around, you may be able to put your phone in airplane mode while deleting the secret key from Strata. Then it won’t be able to accidentally sync the iCloud key down before you can enter a new one.
We might also want to consider a “replace key” feature that also migrates any old notes that were encrypted with the wrong key, so that everything is consistent.