Start page with "latest post in category"?

another question for theming / design perhaps: Right now, to try something new, I’m looking into using a dedicated start page that doesn’t display a reverse chronological feed anymore but just the last posts in two or three categories. Where do I want to start reading…?
Thanks and best regards,

There’s a custom homepage plugin designed to make this easy (plugin-custom-homepage is the name)

Can you put Hugo code in it? I thought only Markdown/HTML was allowed.

That plug in is basically dumping content into a template. But you can have way more flexibility with the same effect by writing your own template.

Yeah, but which template is that in the backend?

It replaces your index.html

See here: plugin-custom-homepage/layouts/index.html at main · microdotblog/plugin-custom-homepage · GitHub

It’s a very simple plug in.

Yup, I have tried out the plugin. I meant, about the text box in the plugin’s settings. You can only put HTML or Markdown in there. For any other code, you have to tinker with the underlying template. I just wasn’t sure what that template was.

Anyway, I assumed the plugin’s intention was not to have the user tinker with a template.

Correct. For a fully custom template, just edit index

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