I’d like to create special collection pages that do the following.
Let me create a custom section of content at the top. (think: intro, description, maybe some links or disclaimers)
Automated collection of posts with a certain tag. Preferably with options for me on how to display (alphabetical, chronoligical, reverse-chronological, etc.)
Is this something that’s pretty easy to do, maybe with some light Hugo magic?
1 Like
Yes, this is doable with Hugo a bunch of different ways.
You can see how I do a few versions of this at
All of which do this.
My favorite way to do this is to make a custom layout like:
Then I put my template there, filtering to the right category or term and organizing it how I want.
Then I make a page that’s empty in:
That only has the front matter:
title: pagename
type: thepagename
That will then make a page at /thepagename
For example, this makes /letters
{{define "main" }}
<div class="content list h-feed">
{{$pages := where .Site.Pages "Type" "post" }}
{{$letters := where $pages "Params.categories" "intersect" (slice "letters") }}
{{ range ($letters.GroupByDate "2006-01").Reverse }}
{{ $themonth := (time (printf "%s-%s" .Key "01")) }}
{{ if lt $themonth.Year "2023" }}
About Letters
{{ else }}
{{ $themonth.Format "2006 - January" }}
{{ end }}
{{ range .Pages.Reverse }}
{{ partial "li.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
And this is /books
{{ define "main" }}
{{ $books := $.Site.Data.bookshelves.currentlyreading }}
<div class="singlearea">
<h1 class="bookshelf-name">Currently Reading</h1>
<div class="bookshelf">
{{- range $books }}
<a href="https://bookshop.org/a/{{ $.Site.Params.bookshop_affiliate_id }}/{{ .isbn }}">
src="{{ .cover_url }}"
alt="{{ .title }} by {{ .author }}"/>
<figcaption> {{ .title }} by {{ .author }}</figcaption>
{{ end }}
{{- range $shelf, $bookshelf := $.Site.Data.bookshelves }}
{{ if ne $shelf "currentlyreading" }}
<div class="singlearea">
<h1 class="bookshelf-name">Read in {{ $shelf | replaceRE ".*(20[0-9]{2})$" "$1" }}</h1>
<div class="bookshelf">
{{- range $bookshelf }}
<a href="https://bookshop.org/a/{{ $.Site.Params.bookshop_affiliate_id }}/{{ .isbn }}">
src="{{ .cover_url }}"
alt="{{ .title }} by {{ .author }}"/>
<figcaption> {{ .title }} by {{ .author }}</figcaption>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Oh nice, this is something I was going to figure out. Thanks!
cc: @Miraz might be good for @custom ; looks like an expanded version of Jason’s advice to which you linked last year .
1 Like
March 29, 2023, 5:06pm
Thanks for drawing my attention to this. Appreciate the tip.
May 18, 2023, 9:30am
I’m struggling to get this to work fully, and Im not sure if I am doing something wrong.
Currently I have a customer template at layouts/podcast/list.html
and also content/podcast.md
which contains the following
title: Title
type: podcast
However when I go to the page it seems to pull though the title but not the custom layout.
I believe that micro.blog is viewing this as a page rather than list and so using the _default/single template. @jsonbecker
That is correct-- content/podcast.md
is not a list
page, but a single
. You need the template to be layouts/podcast/single.html
May 18, 2023, 4:37pm
How would I make this a list page like your example above?
You can use range
even though it’s a “single” to get all pages. “Single” doesn’t mean it can only access a single page. The example above uses a single
May 18, 2023, 7:46pm
Ok thanks.
I miss understood because your example says list.html. I think I get it now
I should update that because it’s wrong .