Sort Order for Collections

Shouldn’t the photos in the Collections be sorted by the most-recent-first like they are on the Uploads page - on the backend and frontend? Or have a parameter that we can specify?

I raised this with Manton in reply to the announcement post, and his reply indicated it might be added as an option in the future.

@adam Makes total sense. I wondered about that. Might need to be a preference? I'm not sure what sorting people would want more often.

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Yep, still working on this. I can think of different reasons for either sorting, so we’ll have a setting for each collection so this can be changed. Ideally photos could be in any arbitrary order too, but we’ll save that for another day.

I’ve improved a couple things with collections today, including a new sort order option. You’ll see it in the top right when viewing a collection on the web, like this:

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Thanks for the quick fix.

Stellar work! I actually stumbled upon this whilst tinkering, and came here to say thank you!

Thanks y’all!