I’m unable to create my first post on my micro.one blog. I’ve paid, and I’ve added my domain, but when I try to post, nothing happens. When I check the Firefox error log, I get:
Uncaught TypeError: xhr.responseJSON is undefined
error https://cdn.micro.blog/js/microblog.js?v=20250107.1:1744
jQuery 4
I’ve disabled uBlock and Enhanced Privacy mode in Firefox.
It looks like the https://micro.one/micropub endpoint is returning error 400, which I don’t know why it would be a bad request, but that’s all I’ve got.
Very strange, thanks for letting us know. It’s fine to sign in at micro.blog in the meantime until we track this down. I think there’s a session problem between the two domain names… If that’s it, a change I’m making this week should fix it.