I have both a Micro.blog hosted site and an external Ghost blog primarily focused on photos.
My micro posts originate from my Ghost site but are picked up through RSS and are added to my Micro.blog site.
Over on Ghost, to save me some hassle, I included a page of my Micro.blog posts with Sidebar.js. I styled it and it works great.
However, while doing some of the formatting, I noticed that photos loaded with Sidebar are actually hosted on the Micro.blog CDN. I found this interesting because the imported posts to my Micro.blog website use my Ghost blog’s hosting.
Am I understanding this correctly?
If so, this got me wondering: if Micro.blog is already caching a copy of my photos for Sidebar, why can’t Micro.blog use its own hosting for posts it imports from RSS sources?
I would love it if we had this option, especially for when I want to import from an external source like social media sites where switching instances breaks image links.