RSS feed for full posts

I blogged here about using filters to assign categories, but this has come up recently so I wanted to describe a particular example in more detail: making an RSS feed for all your longer posts that have a title.

  1. Click Categories and create a new category that will contain your full blog posts, if you don’t have one already.
  2. Click Categories → Edit Filters, then click New Filter.
  3. Leave the title and text fields blank.
  4. For the “Post length” field, choose “Only long posts with a title”.
  5. For “Set category”, choose the category you created in step 1.

Now when you save a blog post that contains a title, it will automatically add it to that category. All categories have their own RSS feed. You can see the feed URL by clicking on any category under Categories.

You will need to link to this RSS feed somewhere on your site so that readers can discover it.


I used a similar technique when I was composing short single image plus summary posts to send to a new Tumblr account, thought I would mention it here. If you want to target a category, and you can think of a simple phrase that can be incorporated that is unlikely to appear elsewhere, you can make use of the matching option of the filter. In my example, I have any post within which the phrase “Read More” appears configured to be assigned to the “Crossing” category.