Redirects & Canonicals

Signed up for Google Search Console to check if they can index my website properly.
I have a blog post that was active on my previous blog on the same domain. I set up a redirect to ensure the link to it is still working (so redirecting from a clean URL to the actual address). And now I have this error message.

Is there any way to fix it with

In Search Console, which two pages are listed as duplicates?

I have a link
that redirects to
using the in-built redirect feature.

Google Search Console lists the second link as the issue.
Tried to manually validate the fix, but it persists.

Technically, there’s more than one way to set up a redirect. In this case, it’s a 302 Found which indicates a temporary redirect.

Google sees temporary redirects as a weak signal that its index should be updated. In other words: Google might ignore the redirect and keep the old page in the index. When I write this, that seems to be the case, the old URL is still in Google’s index.

You could try manually removing the old URL from the index, that might get rid of the issue.

That’s interesting. We could change our redirects to a “301 permanent” redirect, but I’m not sure that will always be right either. Might need to be a setting.

Will try this, I suppose Google could still have an index of my previous blog structure.