Pulling a theme from a branch

I’m asking this as a touchstone. I would fully understand that this might be outside of the scope of what needs to be addressed at this time.

Anyway, I’m trying to have a main branch and development branch of my theme. I went to GitHub and created a branch of my labarum theme.

Then I went into micro.blog and specified a new theme.

Micro.blog says that it’s still downloading the repository.

I did this on Friday of last week and I’m still seeing the message. Because it was Friday of a holiday weekend, I didn’t say anything.

Feel free to put this one on the backlog as I consider it an outlier for use cases. I’ll create a new repository sometime next week for my experiments.

Thanks. Yeah, branches don’t work currently. That seems like something we can fix.

Should I presume this is still a roadmap item? It would definitely be a handy feature for theme and plug-in developers if it is…