ℹ️ Photos search with AI

For Micro.blog Premium subscribers, if you have the “Use artificial intelligence” setting toggled on in Account, we now process your photo uploads through AI. This adds auto-generated descriptions that can be used for accessibility text, as well as basic keywords for a photo to make it easier to search through photos later.

For a complete overview of this feature, watch this video on YouTube:

You can start using the search on the web by clicking Uploads, then click the search icon.

A few details and limitations to keep in mind:

  • The first time enabling this feature, there may be a delay before your photos are available via search. You will see a status message about this on the search page.
  • Photo descriptions will improve for newly-uploaded photos compared to older photos. We have processed some previous photos with a different AI system.
  • Text descriptions are currently only added for new photos, not older photos.
  • Only JPEGs are supported right now. We do not automatically generate descriptions for PNGs, which are often screenshots, but we’ll likely expand this in the future.

For developers, the auto-generated text description is available from the Micropub API media endpoint:

GET /micropub/media?q=source

    "url": "https://www.manton.org/uploads/2024/fb0a07a21d.jpg",
    "alt": "A tranquil pond with lily pads and surrounding rock borders in front of a building with a shaded porch area."

This is a first step to improve photo search and accessibility. In future updates, text descriptions may be more integrated with blog posts without requiring copy/paste across Micro.blog.