I experienced a bug with scheduled posting last night.
This is on web. And outside of cross-posting. Just a hosted-only post.
I drafted a post with a scheduled date earlier than today. I chose 1st Jan 2025. For no particular reason.
Anyway. I drafted the post. Was in and out of it. Saving my progress.
Each time I went back in the post, the scheduled date had been removed. The Bluesky check mark kept being re-checked too.
Anyway. When I was ready to publish, I checked the date and entered what I wanted. And hit publish.
The date was definitely reading as I wanted. (Because I was paranoid about it.)
However. The post was published with today’s (24 Jan) date.
I had to go in and edit the date after the fact.
The new date went in ok. And the post seemed to have been moved to a new URL.
But it appears the post exists twice on the server. Because the post in my RSS feed linked through to a live post dated 24 Jan as well. I thought it might be my browser cache or something like that. But I seem to confirm it on another device too.
In my archive, only one post is showing, on the correct date.
Is this expected behaviour, or a bug?
I’ve just done a full rebuild and it seems to have removed the original post and the correct one remains. (But my custom CSS was broken after the rebuild, I fixed it by going into the Custom CSS page and hitting Update).
Anyway. I was not expecting this. And I would like to be able to add past-date posts without having to edit the date after the fact. Or rebuild.
I remember having an issue with future-dated posts a little while back but I was never sure if it was user error or a bug.
This time I’m 1000000% sure the date was in there when I hit publish.