Moving posts between blogs

I’m sure there’s a way through export/import, but I wondered if there was a way to mass (based on a filter) move posts from one MB blog to another one that is using the same account (premium sub)?

I have a lot of old posts, that I consolidated, and now would like to separate them.

Is there a simple method?


Howdy. Moving individual blog entries between blogs doesn’t seem easy.

Today, I moved an entire blog from one micro blog to another via Wordpress export and import. That was easy.

Perhaps, these steps might work:

  1. export your micro blog to WordPress.

  2. Import into a WordPress install on your machine (more info at end)

  3. Delete unwanted blog entries by tag or category.

  4. Export the cleaned up blog to WordPress export file.

  5. Import file into desired micro blog

For Step #2 above, I had luck installing WordPress and using Local WordPress installer - (i am not affiliated with them in any way). This was free and was easy. Of course, there are other ways to setup a WP site on your computer.

Hope this helps,
Miguel Guhlin (