Microblog Expired Error

Hi there. I have a Micro.blog Premium subscription and today I signed up for another blog (Regular subscription). But then I started getting the following error:

Your hosted microblog has expired. Please upgrade to continue posting to your site. Thanks for supporting Micro.blog!

I’ve used Apple Pay for the payment information, if that’s relevant.


Did the error message go away? It looks like everything is correct with your subscription and it’s good into 2024. Wonder if there was a delay after the upgrade before it synced up.

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Hi @manton, it’s all good now! Apparently it was still processing the payment information. At some point I got the e-mail with the receipt and when I checked again it was all good. Thanks!

hey, @manton - i’m also getting the same error after paying for a subscription using apple pay earlier today. any ideas?

I followed up on this via email. Should be all good now.

Hi @manton I’m having exactly the same problem for a few days now. I upgraded from the standard monthly plan to Premium Yearly and paid on 25 February, and according to the account info page, the invoice was paid and I have a current subscription until 2025. However, I can’t post at all and get the ‘subscription expired’ message when I try.

I emailed help@micro.blog too a few days ago if you come across that, but checked here and I can see it’s a common problem.

Could you check it out for me?


Sorry for missing this! It’s fixed now and I’ll follow up in email too.

Yayyy! It worked, thanks so much.