Micro.blog MacOS App Can't Assign Categories for a New Post

Am I crazy or the MacOS app simply doesn’t have the UI to assign a category when you’re creating a post but only when you edit an existing post? As a result, I have to open anything I posted just to ensure it’s categorized properly.

I use tagmoji and filters to do that. Of course, you could also use hashtags and filter on that.

I know there are workarounds but it seems the UI is already there, just unavailable for new posts for some reason.

You should be able to choose View → Categories to show the category list for a new post.

Got it, thanks! I was confused because in editing you can mouse over the blog name and the categories appear, but that doesn’t happen with a new post. The behavior seems a bit undiscoverable, I think a better option would be to simply add a button near the “camera” button specifically for categories and unify the behavior.


Also, you can’t edit a post and change or add categories. I’ve only been able to do that via the web.

You can on MacOS, mouse over the micro.blog URL at the bottom. But only if you’re editing an existing post.

Yeah I do most of my blogging from my iPhone. Thankfully the web interface on safari iOS gives me this option.

Have to say, all these incompatibilities between apps and interfaces indeed create “death by a thousand cuts” experience, unfortunately. Micro.blog is just so great I’m willing to use it regardless :slight_smile:

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I’m feeling the same. I find that each app has a feature another one doesn’t. So it’s just a matter of figuring out which works for what I’m trying to do. But I agree, I love Micro.Blog and the openness of the platform means there’s always a solution, even on mobile. I’m experimenting with using Taio on my iPhone to draft posts. Along with Mimi it’s working nicely.

The consistency across the apps and the web view is definitely something I wish was better.