I’m trying to import my Medium posts into micro.blog. I’ve exported the archive from Medium and attempted the import into micro.blog. The logs on micro.blog appear to be a successful import, but when all is said and done, there’s nothing imported. Any ideas?
Well, I found one problem. Safari automatically unzipped the file when it downloaded. I rezipped it prior to the import but MacOS must be doing something different. I disabled the “Open Safe Files” feature, redownloaded the archive and the import “worked”. It generated a bunch of new errors and only imported two posts but now I’m working on a different set of errors.
Yeah, that can happen sometimes when re-zipping an archive. Possibly the structure with the top folder changed. That may be something we can work around in the future.
As for the import progress, I think it worked, but I do see a lot of errors when Micro.blog was trying to download a copy of the photos that were on your Medium blog.
If the archive isn’t too big, can you email it to help@micro.blog and we can try to figure out what is going wrong with the import? Thanks!
Thanks, I’ll send an email with the attachment. The posts eventually showed up in the UI for micro.blog but not on the blog itself. Editing each post and then republishing it had the post show up without any errors. I didn’t even have to make a change, just going into it and republishing did the trick. So no rush on my end but will send the file over in case it helps uncover some bug for the site.