Mastodon Repost Instead of crosspost

Hi @manton , I was using NeoDB/ for movies reviews and noticed that instead of CrossPosting, they post like here on the fediverse, and repost automatically on mastodon, could we have this option here? Maybe in the future the repost could work on threads too

That’s interesting. We’re not planning to support reposts in that way, though. I think it would be too big of a departure from how things currently work.

I mean, just to clarify, microBlog would not have repost, you would use the mastodon account connected to microBlog to repost the MicroBlog post automatically on the mastodon account.

Some people do this manually currently.

Got it. We can consider it later, maybe I’ll warm up to the idea.

Generally I think the fediverse works better with a single identity. For me personally, that’s just using and letting Mastodon users follow the account directly. Some people only want Mastodon and that’s where cross-posting comes in. For reposting your posts, that means maintaining two identities which seems like a hassle in the long run.

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