Litany of errors on my blog

Posting here because I think my emails and mentions on micro blog are going into a black hole.

Please help, things like the Twitter cards plugin isn’t working because of this and other weird errors.

another error

And one more

This is a problem specific to the theme Cypress; hopefully, @cdevroe or @manton will fix it. An issue on GitHub was created back in June.

So, what can you do until the root cause is taken care of? Here are some suggested workarounds:

  • Use another theme.
  • Uncheck Paginate home page.
  • Patch the problem yourself using the instructions below.

How to patch the problem in the theme

  1. Create a custom theme following these instructions.
  2. Edit the template layouts/list.archivehtml.html in your newly created custom theme.
  3. Replace the line looking like this {{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Data.Pages.ByDate.Reverse "Type" "post") }} with this {{ $paginator := $.Paginator }}.
  4. Hit Update Template and wait for your blog to rebuild. Or force a rebuild from the logs page.
  5. Hopefully, celebrate your success. :tada:

Once the problem is fixed upstream, you can disable and delete your custom theme.

We’re rolling a fix for this into that should be out later today. Thanks again @sod and @cdevroe!

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Thank you :slight_smile:

:raised_hands: Sweet!

Also, @joshua - litany is a good word. Sorry for the troubles!