Limit to number of posts returned?

On my blog archive page the template is set to provide a list of all posts:

		{{ $list := (where .Site.Pages "Type" "post") }}
		{{ range $list }}

		<p class="h-entry">
			<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" class="u-url"><span class="dt-published" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700" }}">{{ .Date.Format "Jan 2, 2006" }}</span></a>:
			{{ if .Title }}
			<span class="p-name"><b>{{ .Title }}</b></span>
			{{ end }}
			<span class="p-summary">{{ .Summary | truncate 150 }}</span>

		{{ end }}

Currently that list is cutting off about 2 years before the actual end of my archive. I haven’t gone back to count or see if there’s a magic number where the loop is terminating… is there some max number of posts that will get returned on this kind of query? Would be nice to be able to get all the way back to post #1 on the archive!

There is not, but does not do a full rebuild of your site each time to get posts out as fast as possible. It’s very likely that if you wait a little bit after a post you’ll see the rest of your archive fill in. Immediately after posting or building, pages like archive pages and category pages are often incomplete until a later, slower rebuild is done.

I strongly recommend paginating archive pages, however, as it can get quite slow to load if you really put all posts, even with a truncated summary.

Hmmm, it’s been more than an hour since my last post to the blog and the archive hasn’t updated. Not sure how long I should anticipate the rebuild to take? I’ll look into figuring out how to paginate, agree that the archive doesn’t really need to be on a single page.