iPad app layout weirdness

Hey. I made a post on my iPad (in app) today and experienced a lot of glitchiness with the window while trying to type it out. I usually use my phone so this was really jarring. This was experienced in landscape mode.

When writing a post, the little gear icon above the keyboard on the right (for categories) is only visible when the app is in full screen. It disappears when shrinking the window.

I find the app looks best for reading and typing at around half width or less. But then I need to go full screen to access the gear. I was half way through typing a post and went full screen to get the gear icon. This is when the app got really screwy. I was losing text above the app window and could not scroll up. So I needed to resize a few times to get it all back. The keyboard was behaving weirdly too.

I couldn’t really explain without recording the screen. I guess I could have if I thought of it.

But I’m sure this would be easy to reproduce.

My request generally, is can this be addressed? I’d like to use the iPad app but it’s not currently a very good experience for writing.


Thanks for reporting this, we need to go through the iPad app and fix a lot of things. I’ll make this a priority for the next update. In the last update, we fixed some text scrolling issues when typing a longer blog post on iPhone, and I have a feeling it’s making the iPad problems worse.

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