Imported blog cleanup

I migrated a blog from Squarespace via a Wordpress export and now have tons of Squarespace html code showing up where image containers should be. The images buried in that code also weren’t imported.

You can see the result on

Is there any way to clean up this mess?

I tried importing to a site and had the same result, so it’s obviously a problem with the xml code that Squarespace exports.

I remember now that we’ve seen problems with the Squarespace export format before, which is probably why we don’t currently have an importer for it. Unfortunately I don’t have any good suggestions other than removing the posts and manually creating them, by copy/pasting the old text into new blog posts. On the web, you can save a draft and then edit it to change the date, so that it is in the past to match the original post date.

I’m going to look into direct import from Squarespace again, though. Thanks!

Thanks - I changed the imported posts to drafts to hide them and will recreate the ones I absolutely need. Trying to edit out all the Squarespace code manually takes longer than building new posts with copy & paste.