Hugo fresh theme

Has anyone successfully used the Hugo Fresh theme on

The documentation for custom themes seems to be quite out of date. I did figure out that you’re supposed to now create a plug-in to clone the main theme and then use a custom theme to hold your modifications but besides that I’m out of my depth.

I haven’t seen the Fresh them yet, but I will say that it’s not a requirement to clone any of the default themes. You can start from scratch with a new theme and that should be fine.

We do need an updated guide. One thing that has changed recently is we have a new microblog_head.html file you can include that takes care of some of the HTML basics.

This looks like a nice theme. While you’re working on it, if you’re interested in sharing the GitHub repository publicly maybe other people will want to lend a hand if you’re interested in help.

Thanks. I’m still a bit confused regarding plugin and themes.

I cloned the Fresh theme into GitHub - jcapayne/hugo-fresh: Hugo Fresh Theme for and made a few changes (for example grabbing the pre-compiled style.css and converting the YAML config to config.json). I installed it as a plugin and then went to make more site-specific changes so I also installed it as a custom theme. I wanted a cleaner repo for the site specific changes so I made a new repo with just config.json for now, but when I switch to that custom theme (or “None”), leaving this as the installed plug-in, shows my previous design (based on Hello)…