How to set up Author Tags with Microhooks

Thanks to Robb Knight’s explanation of how Author Tags work on Mastodon, I was able to activate them on my website.

Prerequisite: I’m using the Sumo theme, which has full support for Microhooks. Please check if your theme supports them before going ahead.

The process is very simple from the web dashboard:

go to Design → Open Theme → New Template

Give the template this location and name:


insert this code using your fediverse handle name instead of mine:

<meta property="fediverse:creator" content="" />

Well done, you’re ready to go!

Disclaimer: I tried to use multiple author tags, but there seems to be no support for them at the moment.


This is great, thanks for writing it down. An alternative approach, for people who use themes without support for Microhooks, is to install the Meta tags plug-in and insert the snippet that way.