How to add webmentions to my Micro blog blogs?

I’ve been looking all morning for an easy way for my main blog to support webmentions. I have a test blog I am playing around with, but still can’t figure out how to add webmention to my blog. Could someone point me in the right direction?

I started out here, but I am unsure if the code on this page will work in the footer? I’d like to have all my posts have a webmention. Basically, I’d like both my Micro.blogs to send and receive webmentions.

Do I put <link rel="webmention" href=""> in the footer somewhere?

I finally found this page after an hour of searching but I am still lost.

The <link> should go in the <head> tag near the top of your HTML page. That should be all you need to tell other blogs (and where to send webmentions.

The second step is to display the replies somewhere. For that, you want the <script> tag that is mentioned at the end of that help page. You should be able to paste it pretty much anywhere on your individual blog pages. It needs to know the current page URL (passed in the url parameter), so you’ll need to adjust it based on how your blog templates are set up.

If you can provide more information about how you’ve built your blog, we can probably offer some more tips.

The test blog is here, but I plan to go looking for a theme soon with web mentions already built in, so if you know of a theme with web mentions already built in, let me know!

Webmention support is built-in with All official themes (the ones by @manton) already have the link element set up. You should not have to do anything extra, installing the theme is enough.

If you want the webmentions to show up on your blog post pages, you can enable that by navigation to the Design page and ticking the “Include conversation on post page”-checkbox.

When it comes to third-party themes in the directory, there’s no guarantee that webmention support is built-in. But, my guess is that most of them have support already. And should you find a theme without it, the theme developer is probably eager to add support. Webmentions are a central part and feature of, after all.