I want to add a custom footer to the RSS feed of one of my blogs, so every new item or article shows a footer (short description, contact information) in an RSS reader.
I found a few articles for Wordpress but I can’t find a way to do it in the micro.blog nor in the Hugo documentation. I’m not too savvy.
Thank you, Jason. That’s exactly what I was looking at. I think I have to tweak the layouts/_default/rss.xml template. But I’m not able to find the exact code to make it work.
Thanks a lot, @jsonbecker. It did not work. I tried both the CDATA and the partial methods (I don’t really know what I’m doing, but at least I found out that {{ partial "layouts/rss_footer.html" | html }} needs the "" marks around the template’s name, otherwise it gave a parsing error with the /character).
I’ll keep looking, thanks a lot.
I don’t see any indicator that this is making it to your RSS feed. What theme are you using? I’m beginning to suspect you’re editing the wrong template.