Hi there! I have been troubleshooting an issue with my Wordpress RSS feed for the past several days to no avail. No matter what plugins I disable on my site, Micro.Blog still throws the error “Error parsing RSS SimpleRSSError, Poorly formatted feed.” Every other reader app I have tried correctly reads and displays my feed, and I even successfully validated it with W3C Validator. I simply want to cross-post my Wordpress posts to my social media.
I don’t know enough about the Micro.blog RSS expectations, but have you considered building a JSON Feed? It’s far simpler, it’s easy to do on Wordpress with a plug-in, and I’ve seen a whole lot of people who had issues with RSS see them go away with a JSON feed.
I looked into this and it’s not the RSS (or JSON) feed contents. When Micro.blog tries to download your feed, it’s getting intercepted by some kind of security firewall thing that says “Please wait while your request is being verified”. It’s just an HTML page that Micro.blog is getting.
We’ve seen this with some people before and the only fix is to disable whatever proxy or caching is getting in the way.