Github backups and Wayback archives

My site is down tonight, but Cloudflare is serving up a copy from the Wayback Machine, albeit with notable exceptions. It turns out is not archiving my pages there. I looked in my Github backup and the same thing is true: the pages are not backed up. The blog posts, on the other hand, are. The content of my pages doesn’t change that much, so I should be able to do this archiving and backing up myself. Still, I am wondering if this issue is an oversight or part of a deliberate plan.

As you probably know, on the Design page we have a checkbox for this: “Save new posts to Internet Archive”. Is that checked for your blog? It is supposed to send new blog posts to the Wayback Machine automatically.

However, I just did a quick check on my own blog and my latest blog post is not in the Wayback Machine. I’m looking into this, maybe something has changed since it was last working.

Digging into this a little more, I’m noticing a bunch of rate-limiting errors from the Wayback Machine. I’m changing to better handle this. I’ll roll the change out this week, hopefully that will fix it.

I was talking about my pages, not my blog posts. The blog posts seem to be getting archived fine.

Oh thanks! I misunderstood. It should work the same for posts or pages, so possibly it was coincidence. I’m going to roll out this improved handling with errors from the Wayback Machine, so let’s see if that fixes it.

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