@help @manton
This morning I posted an article at 08:44 (GMT-4), around 15 minutes before the newsletter system is supposed to generate the email, and approx 45 minutes before the email should send (I have the delay set to 30 minutes). The email was not generated and an email was not sent.
Is there a way to kick off an email manually so that I can keep the Tuesday schedule?
I can change the day of the week to Wednesday and hope it goes tomorrow, but I’d rather it didn’t. Plus, I don’t have any guarantee.
For infos, I write one article a week and it is intrinsically linked to the newsletter email that sends out Tuesday morning and has been working fine up until today. Did I do something wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help. My best.
Have you used MB from a different timezone lately?
If early November is lately, then, yes. But it wasn’t used to write, post or do anything other than look at the timeline or Discover.
All my writing is done through Ulysses then posted when it’s ready using the built in posting tools that work fine,
Yes. it’s broken again today.
How about providing a manual send button?
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Typical. It’s just worked now (7 minutes later than it normally does).
Did micro.blog do something?
Most scheduling systems can have some built in “jitter” so that if a lot of similar things are happening at once they automatically drift a little around the time. I wonder if that’s what’s happening with the background job here, especially if it’s set at a precise hour mark.
@manton Is it possible the change of timezone can trip up the schedule?
It’s a possible idea, but doesn’t actually have any relation to my case, as I had been back in my “normal” timezone for a few weeks and the newsletter worked perfectly.
It seems to have been a glitch yesterday for me.
I’ve asked @manton if we can have a manual send option. That would be very useful for this case, and many others.
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@manton Update: It is working as intended this morning. I guess a glitch in the matrix
A manual send button would really help when things don’t work out.
My best.