I’ve been testing Dave Winer’s feedLand.org site which is a rss gather & reader. Dave has now added the ability to create a RSS feed of you own wee posts.
I did this and added the feed to my settings.
I added a post which didn’t show up. So I ran this
curl https://micro.blog/ping -d url= http://data.feedland.org/feeds/johnjohnston.xml
in the terminal
I got this back:
405 Method Not Allowed
Code: MethodNotAllowed
Message: The specified method is not allowed against this resource.
Method: POST
ResourceType: OBJECT
RequestId: 11S6H37P7KG19VAQ
HostId: MSsUO+uJ7gi9JU4X5Rg2a6Kg9sgfDIEB4HDfouvCBqbWa3yG3H7Oz5r8JE3eqp8QcytdAPLKl8Q=
When I run this using my WordPress blog I get nothing back but micro.blog seems to check my feed and post anything new. (I do not usually do that 'cause WordPress pings micro.blog for me)
Any ideas?