Feed: Error uploading to Mastodon, trying again

I’ve noticed for a while now that posting to my blog takes longer than it used to. The other day I was looking into my Error reports, and I see this:

Feed: Error uploading to Mastodon, trying again...

It seems it tries to do that 3 times before giving up and just posting (which results in my post showing on Mastodon anyway after a few seconds), and that’s what slows me down.

I have my fosstodon mastodon account linked to MB for posts, but I’m not sure if this is the account causing the errors or the MB-created account one. Where can I start looking? Is this a familiar issue?

There is no “MB created account” – that’s not how AP support works-- so it’s 100% Fosstodon.

Very strange. So posting text to Mastodon works, but uploading photos to Mastodon doesn’t?

I’ve never heard of that happening. Maybe Fosstodon has a setting that limits the size or type of photos added via the API? I’ll add a little more detail to our logs so in the future it’ll be easier to tell what went wrong on the Mastodon side.

What I mean is there’s the account from MB - @jtr@taonaw.com. I also have an account in fosstodon.org - , @jtr@fosstodon.org.

Checking the timestamp in the error log this morning, it seems like the error last happened on the 23rd, not after. So I’m not sure if it was just a one-time thing, I will keep an eye out