"failed to unmarshal YAML: yaml"

Any idea what’s up with this?

Error: Error building site: "content/2024/06/18/currently-reading-years.md:10:1": failed to unmarshal YAML: yaml: line 9: found character that cannot start any token

it’s just a normal bookshelf post:

It’s difficult to tell from a screenshot, but it looks to me like there might be a space in that URL.

Hmm, your right, and fixing it unbroke the render. I created the post from the micro.blog bookshelf, via the web. I wonder why the space was inserted?

@manton I entered the details for this book-- I think maybe I added some erroneous spaces that need to be fixed in the DB?

In fact, the canonical URL has a space in it: 50 Years of Text Games: From Oregon Trail to AI Dungeon

Yep, the space was probably created accidentally when pasting in the ISBN. I’ve corrected it. We should ideally clean that up before it is saved, too.

Hmm, I’m getting this error as well, now… I get it on a post that has a lot of links and footnotes, so I don’t know what causes it…

The error:

Error: Error building site: “content/2025/03/01/quick-recommendation-mostly-folk-music.md:16:1”: failed to unmarshal YAML: yaml: line 15: found unexpected end of stream

The file I’m posting (through Ulysses):

# Quick Recommendation #7: (Mostly) Folk Music with Lyrics in Norwegian
I recently got this question, [on Mastodon](https://mastodon.online/@roguewolf/114026614755847388):
> _A very random question, hope you don’t mind! Can you recommend any Norwegian-language artists? Something where the vocals are the focus (I guess like folk music, perhaps)? I like listening to songs in different languages (even when I don’t speak them) and I'm always looking to expand my musical horizons 🎧🙂_
> **— [Kwlio](https://mastodon.online/@roguewolf)**
**I loved this, of course, so I thought I'd share my answer here as well.** I also expanded a bit, making the recommendation slightly less _quick_ in the process…
Before I got a chance to reply, someone mentioned [**_Odd Nordstoga_**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odd_Nordstoga) – which is a great shout. He doesn't have bad albums, but if you don't understand the lyrics, I especially like the sound of [_Inn i skogen_](https://tidal.com/browse/album/251358662/u)[^1] and [_Kløyvd_](https://tidal.com/browse/album/84484926/u).[^2]
<div class="lazy-placeholder medium" style="background-image: url();">
	{{<glightbox src="https://havn.blog/uploads/2025/langt-heimafra.webp" alt="The album cover for the next song I'll mention. It has a photo of a man in his 50s in the back, and a woman in her 30s in the front. You can see some straws surrounding them." title="" description="" >}}
He's also made an album, [_Langt heimafrå_](https://tidal.com/browse/album/316412973/u),[^3] with the _excellent_ artist [_**Ingebjørg Bratland**_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingebj%C3%B8rg_Bratland). Not only is her music great, she's also a world-class vocalist that sings in a way that's highly influenced by traditional Norwegian music. (Notice her blue notes, and the way she rolls on notes.) The album [_Månesinn_](https://tidal.com/browse/album/52615064/u)[^4] is great (for instance _Fordi eg elskar deg_, which is a cover of Bob Dylan's _Make You Feel My Love_), and so is [_Hjarteskjell_](https://tidal.com/browse/album/79391808/u).[^5]<!--more-->
**_No. 4_**[^6] is a great band. Especially their debut album, [_Henda i været_](https://tidal.com/browse/album/221926613/u)[^7] The beautiful video below is for _Hva kjærlighet er_,[^8] from their album [_Duell_](https://tidal.com/browse/album/112596734/u).[^9]
<lite-youtube videoid="13TZZ4gDJZA" params="controls=1&rel=0&enablejsapi=0" playlabel="Play: No. 4 – Hva kjærlighet er (offisiell musikkvideo)"></lite-youtube>
But one of my favourite songs by them, and one that's about Norway, is "Lite og stort":[^10]
<lite-youtube videoid="L14zOkodhhU" params="controls=1&rel=0&enablejsapi=0" playlabel="Play: Lite og Stort"></lite-youtube>
### Here's a quick translation of the lyrics:more
(It obviously doesn't capture the simple elegance of the Norwegian lyrics.)
Wide and narrow, long and short  
small and large, is our country.[^11]  
And for some, it's a long way to go.  
But no matter how long it is,  
how steep, slippery, and dark it is,  
someone's there, waiting.
In a small house, in a small town,  
a farm in an impossibly remote place,  
we'll find our way.
'Cause, we'll conquer wind and rain  
and snow and flood and sea  
and mountains and lightning and traffic,  
and stuff like that,  
to get home.
And whether you're _here_ or _there_,  
the [navel of the world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navel_of_the_World_(disambiguation)) is where _you_ are.
So, go home.  
Move on,  
get to where you're going,  
go where you can be yourself  
– so, go home.  
Move on,  
get to where you're going,  
go home.
Tall and short and green and blue,  
cold and warm, is our country.  
And we're all longing for _home_.  
Every week or month,  
occasionally, every day…  
It varies.  
'Cause, it's nice to be by yourself.  
Get some distance, and breathe,  
and notice how nice  
it is to _miss_ someone as well.
Like all our wives, fathers, sons,  
friends, brothers, dogs, cats, TVs,  
They're probably longing as well.
And regardless of where you are,  
the navel of the world is where _they_ are.
**Chorus again**
So, go across and alongside and  
up and down and back and forth  
and far and near.  
Go away and come back again,  
towards and away from,  
straight ahead, around, and off to the side,  
without any further ado.
Wide and narrow, long and short  
small and large, is our country.
Someone also mentioned _hip hop_ in the thread, so lastly I wanted to mention the group [**_Karpe_**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karpe). Both members are born in Norway, but one has parents from Egypt and the other from India. They're probably the largest artist in Norway, and their lyrics are truly astonishing.
I _highly_ recommend the albums [_Omar Sheriff_](https://tidal.com/browse/album/202695565/u)[^12] and [_SAS PLUS / SAS PUSSY_](https://tidal.com/browse/album/152296132/u).[^13] **But I want to end this post on a _ridiculously_ funky song that's not on any of them, _Skittles_:**
<lite-youtube videoid="wJguHMKv6ts" params="controls=1&rel=0&enablejsapi=0" playlabel="Play: Fra innspilling i rom 57 («skittles»)"></lite-youtube>

[^1]:	"In the forest"

[^2]:	"Split", as in a wooden log that has been split.

[^3]:	"A long way from home"

[^4]:	The title is a pun of sorts: _Måneskinn_ means "moonshine", because _skinn_ = "shine". But the word _sinn_ means "mind", so _Månesinn_ means something like "Mind of a moon".

[^5]:	_Hjarteskjell_ is a [_cockle_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockle_(bivalve)) – "Something with a hard shell, but soft inside", as Ingebjørg puts it.

[^6]:	"Number 4"

[^7]:	"Put your hands up", as in if you have a gun, but also "Put your hands up in the air" as if you're on a concert. We're not, as a society, traumatised by gun violence – so it's fine. 👍🏻

[^8]:	"What love is"

[^9]:	"Duel" 🤷🏻‍♂️

[^10]:	"Small and large"

[^11]:	Nevermind the weird sentence structure in English!

[^12]:	It's [a reference](https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omar_Sheriff) to the Egyptian actor Omar Sharif. The album is part of a larger [art project](https://omarsheriff.no/).

[^13]:	SAS is an airline ([_Scandinavian Airlines_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavian_Airlines)), and _SAS Plus_ used to be their members club.

#Music #Good Stuff# #Quick Recommendations# #English

You should insert new lines around the headers and block quotes and divs and lite-youtube component. In general, modern, non-Gruber Markdown processors follow commonmark which strongly prefers new lines around blocks like that for proper parsing. That opening line in particular with two # in it, including the start of the line with no block around it looks very suspicious to me.