External links on nav bar?

Is there a way to include external links in the nav bar? I just see redirects when someone enters a particular /path, but not how to include links to an external website. Is there a plug-in I’ve missed, or perhaps I have to hardcode them into a custom theme?

I personally code this in myself in my templates.

Here’s my layout/partials/header.html:

<header class = "title-bar">
    <span class = "site-title"> 
      <a href = "{{ .Site.BaseURL }}">{{ .Site.Title }}</a>
    {{ $url := .RelPermalink }}
    {{ with site.Menus.main }}
      {{ range . }}
          <a class="{{ if eq .URL $url }}active{{ end }}" href="{{ .URL }}">
            {{ .Name }}
      {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

    {{ range $menuitem := .Site.Params.Menu }}
        <a class="{{ if eq .URL $url }}active{{ end }}"
           href="{{ index $menuitem "url" }}">
          {{ index $menuitem "name" }}
		{{ end }}
    {{ if .Site.Params.Contact }}
         <a href="mailto:{{ .Site.Params.Contact }}">Contact</a>
    {{ end }}

.site.Menus.main is where Micro.blog stores pages that you have clicked “show in navigation”. I added my own list of URLs in my configuration under .Params.menu.

Here’s what that part of my config looks like:

 "params": {
    "menu": [
        "name": "Books",
        "url": "/books"
        "name": "Now",
        "url": "/categories/now"
         "name": "Archive",
         "url": "/archive"

Now, in my case, those links are “local” but they could be arbitrary links-- I’m just passing the URL value to an anchor element.

An alternative approach is described here:

If you need to add more redirects, you can create a new page on your site: Posts → Pages → New Page. In the text contents, enter the full URL to redirect to:

Thanks! I haven’t delved into the templates yet, but I bookmarked in case I do.

Perfect, thank you! I was confused by the wording of that page, which made me think it was simply a way to add a large batch of redirects when transitioning over from another blog.

Hello, may I ask a question regarding this topic? I tried the redirect but it won`t work.

/newsletter → https://roh-ungefiltert.ghost.io

What am I missing? My URL: https://martinfehrensen.de

Kind regards, Martin