Is it possible to export content (posts + mages) that are tagged by a specific category? I can probably get the posts from MarsEdit but not the associated images.
I was able to extract the posts via MarsEdit but not sure how to export just the linked images.
I can’t think of any easy way. You could write a script to scan those markdown files for links with the image CDN or uploads/ format and then curl to get them locally I guess. I think the markdown + theme download has all the static images and has replaced the image references with local paths though.
Yeah, not really an easy way. One weird work-around I could think of would be to export all the posts to a WordPress blog, then create a new blog on, then add the WordPress category feed to the Sources page to import just that category and all images into the new blog on Then export it. That would give you a clean export with exactly what you wanted, but the steps are so convoluted that I doubt anyone has ever tried it.
Do you mean using the import to after exporting posts from that category? I imagine using the Sources page will import only the 50 most recent posts, right?
It’ll import as many posts are in your RSS feed from the Wordpress blog. If you’ve only seen 50 latest, that’s from a feed that limits items to 50.
Good point, I hadn’t considered the limit on the number of posts in the feed. If you have a thousand posts in the category, that is not going to work very well. I was trying to brainstorm other ways to slice the category data up, but what I said is probably a dead-end.
I am away from my computer. But this chatgpt script looks good.
# Directory containing the plain text files
# Temporary file to store unique URLs
# Regex pattern to match image URLs
# Loop through all text files in the directory
for file in "$text_dir"/*.txt; do
if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then
# Extract image URLs and append them to the temporary file
grep -oE "$image_url_pattern" "$file" >> "$temp_file"
# Remove duplicate URLs
sort -u "$temp_file" -o "$temp_file"
# Create a directory to store downloaded images
mkdir -p "$download_dir"
# Download each image using wget
while IFS= read -r url; do
echo "Downloading $url..."
wget -P "$download_dir" "$url"
done < "$temp_file"
# Clean up the temporary file
rm "$temp_file"
echo "All images downloaded to $download_dir."
This was my prompt:
Write a zsh script that searches a directory of plain text files and looks for any text that references an image at a URL (please assume all URLs start with https and have a file extension of jpg, jpeg, png, gif, heic, or webp), deduplicates the list, and then uses wget to download all of those images.
Probably have to change the file for the right type (md versus txt) but pretty clean to follow and adjust.
Err…this is something I have to run at my end or Manton?
That’s what you can do with the posts you grabbed from MarsEdit.
Sorry for the stupid Q but where do I run this script? Terminal? Apple Script?
That’s a zsh script. Save it as a file. Edit the file path references etc in the file to be correct. Save the file, then in terminal type chmod +x yourfilenamehere
to make it executable. Then type ./yourfilenamehere to run it.
save it as any file? I mean, .txt, .rtf?